The least of these...
Can you imagine getting up on a cold morning by the side of the road wondering if you will ever have a meal for that day.
This is the nightmare for thousands of street children in India every day. Starvation, isolation and desperation are the daily routine. Helpless and unwanted they wander on the city streets, trying to make it through the day.
They know no love...
Servant's Heart International was founded to touch these untouchables with the love and compassion of the Lord Jesus.
If you could see the needs of all these neglected and abandoned children, it would seem that the task of ministering the love of Christ to all of them both physically and spiritually would be impossible.
Often it is the enormity of the problem that causes nothing to be done.
At Servant's Heart International, we are touching the least of these, one life at a time...
We are committed to serve these hurting children. Whomever the Lord allows us to minister, receive a loving place to call home, nourishing meals they can depend on, the education to empower their future.
The knowledge and the experience of God's love to change the world around them.
By God's grace, we are developing a Child Relief Ministry Center near Pune, India to accomodate atleast 100 of these children.
This is possible only because of God's love in you and your support of this organization's Ministry. May God use you in a very special way to impact the eternal destiny of these children.
Thank you for caring. Thank you for your prayers and generous support for our Child Relief Missionary Team.
"The righteous are always generous and lend freely, their children will be blessed."
Psalms 37:26 |