April 2010

Dear Partners,

May the Peace and Joy of our resurrected Lord Jesus be with you always. Thank you so much for your love, prayers and generous support during these difficult times. You have been a tremendous blessing to us . We are so grateful to the Lord for uniting us in theses critical times to accomplish His divine purpose for His precious children in India. As we celebrate Easter this year may we have the courage to cry out from our hearts the longing of apostle Paul “That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection” (Phil.3:10-11)

Unless I touch and see..
Friends, the gospel message came to India almost two thousand years back in the first century by apostle Thomas. The doubting disciple, who said “unless I TOUCH and SEE, I WONT BELIEVE.” This was regarding the resurrected Lord Jesus. Some times I wonder why would God send a person like Thomas to India? There has to be some reason behind this. A land of approximately 6.2 Billion people. Occupies 2.4% of the world's land area and supports over 17.5% of the world's population. One out of every six people in the world is Indian!! This is the land of the people. One of my friend said, “Why did God create so many of us?” And his answer was, “God must’ve liked us!” The late Prime Minister of India Mr. Rajiv Gandhi once said “We have been blessed with the richest human resource in the world.”Yet we have the world’s largest number of poor. When I am in Pune, I get up early in the morning and stand at the east side window of the Ministry center. As I gaze upon the huge slum area, the noise, the smell and everything in-between. I close my eyes and pray to the Lord togive us more souls for His kingdom.I always tell my friends that this is our fishing pond. So many precious children, so much good potential. Getting back to the question of Why would God sent His disciple Thomas to India? Because we Indians are more like Thomas.. little doubtful, somewhat suspicious! Even skeptical sometimes.Unless we see and touch its difficult for us to believe the message of the gospel. Some times people say that your Jesus is the living bread and He is the living water, but I am dying without any food, and shelter, where is the living water that you are talking about? This is where I find the words of our Lord Jesus so relevant . “I was hungry you fed me, I was naked, you cloth me.. whatever you have done to the least of these brethren.. You have done unto me" (Matt.25:35 Mark 9).

People who care.. Who walk the talk..
We were tremendously blessed to have Brother Scott and his wonderful wife Jessica visit our Ministry center in Pune India. What a joy it was for our children to listen to Jessica, as she told the story of Lord Jesus sleeping in the storm! We also learnt a new song from Brother Scott. It just blows my mind off to think how people from different culture, and country can unite together to worship the Lord. Thank you dear friends for your love for the Lord and His children. We really appreciate you.

Children’s Update.. They are growing in number and height!! Roza just finished her 12th final exams, and now learning to use the computer. She helps the little ones with their studies. She is Preety’s right hand gal!! Komal is doing her best to finish 8th grade. Poonam, Sneha and Uja are getting ready for their final exams for the 7th grade, We are really proud of their commitment. Manisha is as usual happy to jump around and work hard in 5th grade. Boy this kids grow really fast. Dear friends you made it possible for us, to be the hands of our Lord, to reach out to these precious children. Thank you so much for your commitment to stand with us . We are the low cost high impact Ministry!!

God willing we will start the construction of Davison House of Prayer this fall. We need your help and support. Please consider sending your most generous gift for this project. Our team in Pune India is working very hard and serving the Lord faithfully. The Lord continues to bring many needy children each day to the Ministry Center. We possibly could not have done this on our own. If it wasn't for your generosity and love for the Lord, and His precious Children half way around the globe. Thank you dear friends for your partnership and your generous giving. PLEASE continue to Pray for us. We need them the most.

Please keep in touch and let us know about your needs and how we can pray for you. If you have any questions or prayer request please contact me on my cell 719-232-6470 or email me at servent7_24@yahoo.com. Do visit our website for news update www.servant7.org

On behalf of the many precious children in India, let me say a big heartfelt Thank you. May the Lord Almighty continue to protect you and provide for you. Let the power of our resurrected Lord Jesus overflow in every area of your life. May the Lord teach us to wait upon Him diligently and help us to walk uprightly with Him and may we learn to worship Him in Spirit and Truth.

The Lord is refuge for the oppressed in times of trouble.
Those who know your name will put their trust in You.
For You have not forsaken those who seek you.

Thank you for your love and prayers.

Your servant in Him,

Suresh Manohar