August 2009

Dear Partners,

May the Peace & Joy of our loving Lord Jesus be with you always. Thank you so much for your love, prayers and generous support. We have been the constant recipient of His goodness and mercy. In the midst of many challenges and trials, we have experienced God’s mighty hand of favor. He has done amazing things in our individual lives as well as in the lives of many precious children here in Pune India. “What eye has not seen, the ear has not heard nor have entered into the heart of man. The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” (1 Cor.2:9) What an opportunity and privilege God has given us to be the channel of His love and goodness to the hurting people around us.

You can be a stepping stone...

Bible tells us to carry one another's burden. It’s no fun when the burden is too heavy and you are all alone. We are so thankful to the Lord for sending Brother Chris, Brother Shane and their loving families to Pune India. They have gladly lifted the burden for us. I think the Lord knew very well, that we possibly couldn't have made it on our own. Only God could orchestrate His divine plan to touch the lives of so many precious children and families in the slums through their sacrificial love for His people. They have been the constant blessing to us. May the Lord continue to bless them in every possible way and keep them in His love and care.

Davison House of Prayer...

June 21st 2009 around 1:30 in the afternoon, the sun is shinning brightly. The air is crisp. There are big smiles on almost every face! The hearts are filled with joy. We are on the top of the mountain singing unto the Lord Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so...Brother Shane lead us in the prayer of dedication while Brother Chris and heather laid the first foundation stone for the Davison House of Prayer. What a journey of faith and struggle! We praise God for His wonderful provision of this beautiful place for His children. We had a great time of picnic and special BBQ with our friends and children. I wish you were there to see the excitement. Now we need some bricks and mortar to build.

Yes we need your help. Would you please consider joining with us in the construction of the House of Prayer. It’s going to cost about 15 K. Please ask the Lord how you could be a part of this great opportunity to do something for His children.

See what the Lord has done...

Because of your generosity and love, we were able to enroll or nine girls in St. Andrews girl’s School. What a blessing to see the joy on their faces for the opportunity God has given them to study in good Christian environment. Please continue to pray for their physical safety and studies.

At present we are facing the swine flue epidemic in Pune many schools had to shut down. Several people have lost their lives. We never seem to run out of trouble! It’s all because of that one guy eating the fruit, I am talking about our great Grandpa Mr. Adam. But that’s not the end of the story. Our God is the God of compassion and mercy. Who loves to take the broken lives and turn them into a blessing for His eternal purpose.

There is lot of chaos, confusion and hopelessness all around us but the message of the gospel gives us hope. The hope that we find only in one person i.e. our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you dear friends for partnering with us in these crucial times and helping us to spread His good news. Please continue to pray for us.

Please let me know what is happening with you, and how we can pray for you. If you have any questions or prayer request please don't hesitate to call me on my cell 719-232-6470. Please do visit our website for news update

On behalf of the many precious children in India, let me say a big heartfelt Thank you and wish you a blessed time in His presence. May the Lord continue to bless you through His word and encourage your heart each day as you seek Him diligently.

The Lord God is sun and shield; The Lord will give Grace and glory; No good thing will He withhold from those Who walk uprightly. (Psalm 86:11)

With much love and prayers.
Your servant in Him,

Suresh Manohar